July 23, 2020


MAR 21 - APR 19

Whether you’ve been wanting to find more time to dedicate to connecting with loved ones or to redecorate your home office, coming up with a step-by-step action plan now can be a wonderful, productive first step to seeing your vision become a reality. You’ll feel even more self-assured in leaning into fiery, passionate, playful energy, and allowing that to guide and create seriously memorable moments.



APR 20 - MAY 20

If having a challenging conversation with a higher-up or reworking your family’s weekend routine for the rest of the summer feels like a smart move, you’ll have it in you to take care of business in a proactive, self-assured way. Though you tend to prefer the known and the routine to the unusual, allowing yourself to go with the flow and find the silver lining in whatever ends up catching you off-guard. It could be more positive than you realize initially.



MAY 21 - JUN 20

There’s much to be learned from your deepest intuitive thoughts, which could be the fuel you need to get rolling on an exciting new game plan for amplifying your cash flow.  You might feel less like putting yourself out there the next time, but know that this is a passing, brief phase, and you’ll feel connected once more soon.



JUN 21 - JUL 22

You’ll do well to be incredibly intentional as you lock in your vision and take steps that reflect your true emotions. This can make it easier to navigate any head-butting with a partner, as a result of the confident sun in your sign opposing taskmaster Saturn in your seventh house of partnership. And from July 22 to August 22, the buoyant sun moves through your second house of income, magnifying your confidence in moneymaking endeavors.



JUL 23 - AUG 22

You could be figuring out what brings you a feeling of centeredness and how you can infuse your daily life with those elements so that you can get closer to hitting personal goals.  If you’ve been wanting to shore up an ambitious professional project, find a way to squeeze in a summer vacation that entails basking in the brilliant bright warm rays, or share how much you love someone special, the sky’s the limit during this confidence-bolstering period of time.



AUG 23 - SEP 22

Consider taking bold steps to join a local political activism group, start a fundraiser, or work with colleagues on a charitable professional project that sends a meaningful message. The time is right for planting seeds you want to see grow over time and that could lead to a team win. And from July 22 to August 22, the confident sun moves through your twelfth house of spirituality, urging you to turn inwards, perhaps being even more diligent than usual about your favorite mind-body practices, such as yoga or journaling. Doing so could prove revitalizing and grounding.



SEP 23 - OCT 22

Wanting to adhere to the rules and please higher-ups might be your default mode, but it might be worth striking out against your M.O. and speaking up in order to be true to yourself. You’ll do well to get clear on exactly what you want to say before delivering your message, as miscommunications are especially possible now. And the same day, the moon in your sign opposes action-oriented Mars in your seventh house of partnership so watch out for impulsive actions and sudden conflict with a friend, colleague, or significant other.



OCT 23 - NOV 21

Chances are you’ve been nudged in the direction of honing your skill-set or planning future travel already, thanks to last month’s solar eclipse and new moon in your ninth house of higher education and adventure. You’ll have another opportunity to get clear and set intentions related to learning and personal growth through eye-opening experiences. Being open to a shifting tide and following your heart first and foremost serves you well. Higher-ups will appreciate your razor focus and confidence, but bringing a slightly lighter, more playful, optimistic point of view to the table could make for even more accolades.



NOV 22 - DEC 21

This could also be a fruitful time to talk about shared assets with a significant other or close loved one. Either way, spending time meditating on what you want now allows you to gain clarity around your tightest bonds, giving you even more focus as you navigate the road ahead.
And from July 22 to August 22, the confident sun moves through your ninth house of higher education and adventure, spurring you to explore new ways to advance your skillset and set yourself up for props from higher-ups.



DEC 22 - JAN 19

If reciprocity hasn’t been a factor in a long-term love relationship or friendship, it’s time to get in balance or move forward in a way that feels healthy and fulfilling. The same day, the confident sun in your seventh house opposes taskmaster Saturn in your sign, and clashing with someone special might be part of doing the work to expedite healing. And from July 22 to August 22, the confident sun in your eighth house of emotional bonds serves to strengthen your resolve to pursue your most intimate needs.



JAN 20 - FEB 18

You might be inspired to turn over a new leaf related to your diet, fitness, or mind-body wellness routine. Whatever moves you make now can lay the groundwork for vitality and balance in the days and weeks ahead. And from July 22 to August 22, the buoyant sun moves through your seventh house of partnership, making it a brilliant time to connect one-on-one with your significant other, a dear friend, or a close colleague on a project close to your heart. By working together, and leaning on one another’s strengths, you’re sure to be unstoppable.



FEB 19 - MAR 20

If you’ve been wanting your daily schedule to be more balanced, because you’ve been feeling spread too thin, you’ll have a sweet opportunity to take productive steps from July 22 to August 22 while the confident sun moves through your sixth house of wellness and daily routine. Even if your ideal scenario (like working more often from home or finding more time in the day to meditate or take an online workout) feels out of reach, there’s merit to setting bold intentions and taking baby steps now. 

Category: Arts & Culture

July 23, 2020

By Dwight Brown

NNPA News Wire Film Critic


Dull suspense/thrillers are most often mired in formula. Example: Woman in distress. Man stalks her. Confrontations and narrow escapes.Big do-or-die finale. “The Perfect Guy” (Sanaa Lathan is hounded by Michael Ealy) stuck to those basics. “Fatal Affair” does too and adds nothing new to the mix.

Director/writer Peter Sullivan and co-writer Rasheeda Garner stay on the path most traveled. Even their setting seems generic and predictable: Coastal hideaway HGTV gray home with white shutters in the fictional California town of Ocean Crest. You’d almost expect to see the crew from House Hunters, “Love It or List It or Property Brothers” in the next frame introducing the couple to their new house.

Ellie (Nia Long), a corporate attorney, is going through a transition. She’s leaving her San Francisco firm and preparing to start her own practice. She’s just moved out of the city to a quieter small town and a plush beachside property. Her husband Marcus (Stephen Bishop, “Moneyball”) is an architect recovering from a physical injury. Their daughter Brittany (Aubrey Cleland) attends U.C. Berkeley, and is home on occasion.


Shortly before her departure, Ellie’s company hires David (Omar Epps), a tech expert, to do some consulting and espionage work for a client. Cue the drum roll: Ellie and David have history. Their “friends in college” backstory includes him liking her and her shading him. One night when Ellie is expecting to meet her gal pal Courtney (Maya Stojan, TV’s “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”) for drinks, she invites the ever-attentive David along. Courtney bows out, leaving David and Ellie to rehash the past and rekindle a flame. Flirtations turn into fondling. She cuts it off. He’s gotta have it.

Obsession. Overwrought passion. Fixation. Call it what you want, David’s drive to land a woman who disses him goes beyond the pale, deep into an uncontrollable mental illness. Making his manic state riveting would require forethought, development and innovation. All of that is lacking.

The antagonist certainly has a mean streak, but it is never diabolical. Frightful, never eerie.Pedestrian, never over-the-top. The protagonist is caught in a hard place. Scared of him but even more petrified of her husband finding out she was this-far from giving it up to another man. Sprinkles of violence, battery, abuse and terror ensue. Very little blood is spattered. Nothing graphic enough to make you avert your eyes. If abject fear, the whole point of a good thriller, never shows up on the screen, you won’t feel it at home either.

Visually, what’s on view is a step up from what was in the old days referred to as a “straight-to-video” title. In these days of streaming, these kinds of B-movies are now blending into higher and lower quality films that find more accessible homes on Netflix, Prime Video, Hulu, HBO Max... Places where mediocrity can have a long, on-demand shelf life among gems.

Matthew Janszen’s musical score, with its sinister violins, screeches at the right times, but that isn’t a compliment. Darcy C. Scanlin’s production design, Debra Echard’s set decoration and Alex Stamm’s art direction make all the homes, offices and bars look artificial. There is a tacky glossiness to Eitan Almagor’s cinematography that wipes away any realism. And Randy Carter’s editing, though swift at cutting the proceedings down to 89 minutes, neither helps nor hinders.

The script pulls on everyday vulnerabilities many long-standing couples face. Ellie confesses to David that her marriage has issues: “One day you wake up 20 years later and the person next to you is a complete stranger.” Fine. Then the plotline becomes far-fetched and never comes back to earth: As it becomes clearer that the tech wizard is willing to threaten her marriage and family, Ellie sets up a meeting with David in a restaurant. What really scared woman would invite her stalker to brunch? Sullivan and Garner needed to dig a lot deeper for the dialogue, characters’ backstories and motivations to turn this drivel into something remotely compelling. Something that would make “Fatal Affair” more fiendish and macabre like “Fatal Attraction.”

Paul Sullivan’s direction lacks style, which puts more pressure on the storyline and plot pieces to rouse anxiety and keep an audience’s attention. As the feeble thriller aspects mount, desperate phone calls are dialed, missed opportunities to escape grow and touches of gruesomeness add up to nothing. If you’re debating a trip to the fridge as the film progresses, don’t. Just get up and grab that beer, soda or pint of ice cream and be assured that you won’t miss one crucial plot detail that will stop you from figuring out how the film will end..

Fans of Nia Long will be happy to know that she still has her chops. She’s as beautiful as she was back in Boyz ‘N the Hood days. Older, more mature and as captivating. Omar Epps is a solid actor always capable of making you believe his character. Both seem far better than the material. The unlikely scene-stealer is Stephen Bishop. His career is not as storied as the two lead actors, which makes him a bit of a mystery. He turns the role of Marcus into the guy next door, a man who you think you know from somewhere, but you really don’t. Friendly, concerned and adapting as things spiral out of control, Bishop deserves a leading role in a film.

“Fatal Affair” never builds to the dramatic desperation its genre requires. Never becomes more than the sum of its parts. That’s a crime. More of a crime than any felony in the movie.

Visit NNPA News Wire Film Critic Dwight Brown at DwightBrownInk.com and BlackPressUSA.com.

Category: Arts & Culture

July 16, 2020


MAR 21 - APR 19

Taking it in stride and leaning into any feelings of gratitude is your best bet for making the most of this moment… spurring you to make a sudden move or act rebelliously on the job. One of the most productive ways to take advantage of this energy could be to think up innovative tweaks to your routine or inventive projects, either of which could open the door for boosted cash flow if you’re truly following your gut.



APR 20 - MAY 20

Switch up your routine or approach to personal goals in a way that feels true to your core purpose. You might feel empowered and liberated as a result… turning up the volume on your sensitivity and ability to connect with others in a heartfelt way. This could be a beautiful time to open up about your emotions to a significant other, loved one, or dear friend. They’ll know exactly how you feel, and you’ll bolster your bond.



MAY 21 - JUN 20

The energy is perfect for connecting with your nearest and dearest, especially if you’re doing something pleasurable and fun-loving together (think playing a favorite game or celebrating a recent milestone)…. making it easier for you to pour your emotions into your work and explain what that means to you when sharing the details with others. In fact, you could find that being emotionally vulnerable helps to elevate your professional success now.



JUN 21 - JUL 22

If you’re feeling especially sensitive… talking through all your feelings might be your best bet for not only processing them but finding that you have more support than you realize, especially from loved ones. Trust that the words you speak are going to come straight from your heart and land exactly as they’re meant to… you might find you can’t help but clash with a higher-up. Consider exploring a way to express your anger in a calm, strategic way, which will serve you best.



JUL 23 - AUG 22

Look out for psychological or work-life balance wins… Then, it’s likely you’ll get swept up in your daydreams and romantic fantasies with your significant other or another special someone… Now’s a sweet time to let those desires and wishes wash all over you, and then see if you can channel them into a work of art or another creative outlet. You could realize just how necessary it is to occasionally lose your grasp on reality and wade in the deep end of your dreams.



AUG 23 - SEP 22

You might be itching to soak up new knowledge or hit the road and explore a destination outside of your neighborhood… You usually like to think every step of a proposed itinerary through before jumping into action, but this influence can have you throwing caution to the wind for your own benefit! You’ll be able to bring a more emotionally-attuned approach to a team effort or collaboration with friends or community members. This is an opportunity to tune into your feelings and let that lead the way.



SEP 23 - OCT 22

You could be a magnet for recognition and accolades from higher-ups… The energy of the moment might also make it easier to land on new ways to balance your work and family life. Turning your attention to exciting ways you can expand your skillset, learn, and grow personally and professionally, perhaps alongside colleagues and friends. Whether you’ve been wanting to sign up for an online class or pick a friend’s brain on new books to dive into, you’ll have the opportunity.



OCT 23 - NOV 21

Pairing up with a colleague on a shared project can lead to new responsibilities. If it’s hard to nail down the facts about how your significant other or someone else special in your life is feeling… It’s tough to gain clarity around relationship matters right now, and you might be feeling discouraged as a result. Take heart that you’ll land on the answers you seek soon enough.



NOV 22 - DEC 21

Look out for a potential cash flow increase, perhaps shared with your significant other or another loved one… You’ll do well to give yourself credit for a job well done and keeping a pragmatic eye trained toward your future steps. Opening up about how you feel, and what you want, can make for a dreamy, heartfelt time…. helping you voice your deepest desires.



DEC 22 - JAN 19

You could feel the impulse to get more serious about a creative project or relationship…
Then, if you’ve been feeling like you need to have a tough, emotional conversation that would take a load off of your heart and mind, consider initiating it… Being able to wear your heart on your sleeve more than usual and explain how you’re feeling to your significant other or someone else special in your life can make a world of difference in how you’re connecting with one another.



JAN 20 - FEB 18

Finding time and space to enjoy pleasurable, fun-loving pastimes with loved ones comes more naturally than usual… Enjoying intellectually stimulating conversations, as well as being playful and curious together, can bring you even closer. You might feel even more acutely aware of aspects of your daily routine that are weighing on your inner balance. Speaking up about this and researching ways to remedy the ongoing issue can be empowering and centering. You could be inspired to use your imagination and creativity to boost your cash flow.



FEB 19 - MAR 20

The mood is right to connect with loved ones in a meaningful, loving, and joyful way… Even the simplest pleasures, like a backyard BBQ or looking at old photo albums, can prove heartwarming and connection-bolstering. Then, getting swept up in wearing rose-colored glasses and swimming in your deepest emotions could happen even more organically than usual… Take advantage by expressing what’s in your heart, and channeling your most imaginative ideas into your favorite medium, be that dance, poetry, song, or painting. 

Category: Arts & Culture

July 16, 2020

By City News Service


Arraignment was postponed today to Aug. 24 for two young men charged with killing rapper Pop Smoke during a robbery at a Hollywood Hills home nearly five months ago.  

Corey Walker, 19, and Keandre Rodgers, 18, are charged with capital murder in connection with the Feb. 19 killing of the 20-year-old New York-based rapper, whose real name was Bashar Jackson.  

The murder charge includes the special circumstance allegation that the murder was committed during the commission of a robbery and burglary.  

Prosecutors will decide later whether to pursue the death penalty or life in prison without the possibility of parole for the defendants, who are also facing gang and gun allegations.  

Two boys aged 15 and 17 were charged with murder and robbery in juvenile court in connection with the same crime, according to the District Attorney's Office. Their names were withheld because they are minors.  

Officers went to 2033 Hercules Drive in the Hollywood Hills about 4 a.m. on Feb. 19 in response to a 911 call and found the mortally injured rapper, who was pronounced dead at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.  

Los Angeles police said last week, when making five arrests in the case, that investigators believed the men and boys entered Jackson's short-term rental home and shot and robbed him inside. Investigators believe the suspects are “members of a Los Angeles street gang,” according to police.  

Walker, Rodgers and Jaquan Murphy, 21, were arrested Thursday and held in lieu of $1 million bail each.

Online jail records show that Murphy remains in custody on an unrelated case.

LAPD Capt. Steve Lurie said the 911 call that brought police to the Hercules Drive address came from someone on the East Coast who “stated a friend of theirs home was being broken into by multiple suspects, and that one of them was armed with a handgun.”

“When officers arrived there approximately six minutes later, they discovered a victim inside the house had been shot,” Lurie said. “They called the fire department, who arrived and transported that victim to Cedars-Sinai, where he was pronounced dead.”

The suspects were wearing masks and were last seen running from the home and possibly getting into a nearby vehicle.

Officers detained several people who were inside the house, according to Lurie, but “all of those folks were released. ... No one was arrested at the scene.”  

According to various media reports, the up-and-coming New York rapper posted photos earlier Feb. 19 or late Feb. 18 from a party at the home, even revealing the address. According to TMZ, one of the photos showed a person holding a large sum of money.  

Investigators believe at least some of the suspects are also involved in the killing of 18-year-old Kamryn Stone in the Rose Bowl parking lot in Pasadena Sept. 14, according to the Los Angeles Police Department.  

Property records indicate the home where the shooting occurred is owned by Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave -- who appears on “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” and is a daughter of musician John Mellencamp -- and her husband, Edwin Arroyave.  

Pop Smoke released an album in July 2019, and one of the songs, “Welcome to the Party,” was considered by many the song of the summer. Nicki Minaj did a remix of the song a few months later. 

The rapper also collaborated with Travis Scott on a song called “Gatti.”

Category: Arts & Culture

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