July 21, 2016


March 21 – April 19 

In theory, you have the ability to channel your attention and get ahead of the game, but with this week's Full Moon you may find that when it comes right down to it you feel restless and can't quite concentrate as much as you'd like. Although you want to focus on just one thing, many options grab your attention. Once the Sun edges into Leo, leisure plans may override everything else. You might as well kick back and have fun. 



May 21 - Jun 20 

A purchasing decision may be in the cards this week, especially if you're considering making changes to your home, holding a celebration, or improving your yard. The thrill of adventure could be on your mind, too, as the Full Moon encourages you to consider how nice it would be to get away. If you've felt pressured by various events recently, a quick break could be very tempting. The Sun in your home zone as of Friday encourages a family vibe. 



May 21 - Jun 20 

Working constructively with others could mean you accomplish much more than usual, and this week looks helpful for doing just that. A Full Moon on Tuesday could put you in the mood to spend, making you less careful with your money than you would normally be. Think before purchasing any big-ticket items. If you can't resist, be sure to keep the receipts and paperwork. The Sun's move into Leo on Friday could enhance creative thinking. 



 Jun 21 - Jul 22 

Time management could be of the utmost importance this week, enabling you to get much more done than you might normally. If you find this way of working useful, you might want to keep it up. Tuesday's Full Moon in your sector of relating could spotlight a relationship and associated feelings. If you and another are currently dealing with an issue, this is when it could come to a head. Avoid doing or saying anything you might regret later.



Jul 23 - Aug 22 

This could be a very constructive week for you, particularly if you're working on a creative project or want to get a business idea off to a great start. Regarding romance, though, it might not be so positive. Saturn's energy suggests that a date or outing could be a little restrained. The Full Moon on Tuesday could see you getting irritated at work, but your vitality and joie de vivre should return once the Sun enters your sign on Friday. 



 Aug 23 - Sep 22 

A little quiet time may be all that's needed to enable you to resolve an issue linked with home or family matters. Perhaps the opportunity to get a little distance from it can give you a fresh perspective. Tuesday's Full Moon could see you in the mood for some fun and perhaps a sizzling date night. Take it to the max and enjoy every moment. You may find your creative inspiration peaks once the Sun enters your spiritual sector.



Sep 23 - Oct 22 

Plans and projects will involve teamwork, perhaps when a group you belong to convenes this week, even though you may have your doubts. Much can be achieved with some focus. A Full Moon in your home zone on Tuesday could be the reason that feelings run high among family members. Avoid making any decisions for a few days. Things should calm down by that time. The Sun in your social sector from Friday indicates an upbeat few weeks ahead.



Oct 23 - Nov 21 

Get used to the limelight, because you may find yourself the center of attention once the Sun moves into the topmost sector of your chart on Friday. The Full Moon is in your communication sector on Tuesday, so be careful what you say. If you've been feeling emotional, you might upset someone. Adopting a tactful approach could sidestep this. In addition, an opportunity to help boost your finances may show up.



Nov 22 - Dec 21 

Don't refrain from doing anything that could expand your horizons. It's natural to be cautious when embracing change. Saturn has been in your sign for a while now, so you may feel a little more nervous than usual about entering new terrain. This week an opportunity that's too good to miss might involve leaving your comfort zone. If you're nervous, think baby steps. Finally, a Full Moon in your money zone could encourage a spending spree.



Dec 22 - Jan 19 

This could be a week when you feel naturally inclined to resolve an issue that has bugged you for some time. Perhaps it's been subtly holding you back and you may not have had much opportunity to deal with that. Over the days ahead a concerted effort can help you unpick the various threads and get to the heart of the matter. In addition, a Full Moon in your sign could coincide with the completion of a key project



Jan 20 - Feb 18 

Tuesday's Full Moon might best be handled by reducing your schedule early in the week. If you can take some time out, you'll find that relaxing and recharging leave you feeling more energized and upbeat. Avoid tackling complex tasks if you can. On another note, friends may be around to help you with a project. A more formal event could bring some fabulous opportunities your way, so it might be worth going even if you have doubts.



Feb 19 - Mar 20 

Get used to the limelight, because you may find yourself the center of attention once the Sun moves into the topmost sector of your chart on Friday. The Full Moon is in your communication sector on Tuesday, so be careful what you say. If you've been feeling emotional, you might upset someone. Adopting a tactful approach could sidestep this. In addition, an opportunity to help boost your finances may show up. 

Category: Arts & Culture