April 30, 2020


MAR 21 - APR 19 

There is nothing you can say that will convince someone you love to love you back. If you're in an unrequited love situation, the best course of action is to walk away. It can be brutal when someone sends mixed signals that they care for you but aren't emotionally available for a relationship. You hold out with hope that someday this person will magically be ready to embrace you. However, if that person has already made it clear that it's a "no," wasting your time on unrealistic thoughts is only keeping you from meeting the real soulmate you're meant to be with. Don't cheat yourself, Aries!



APR 20 - MAY 20 

With Mercury moving into your sign, you'll be able to clearly express yourself in all ways, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. You might even feel impulsive on Thursday when Mercury collides with Uranus, also in your sign. It'll be impossible to hold your tongue now if you've been keeping something to yourself that you really want to express to your mate. This might have positive consequences, but it may also ignite a firestorm that you'll have to put out. Remember, once you say something you can't take it back, so be careful! If you're single and looking around online for your next date, you might find an unexpected match this week. Exciting!



MAY 21 - JUN 20 

This week, you're just not seeing things clearly in the love department, Gemini. Although Venus is in your sign, she'll square off with Neptune by Sunday, creating nothing but confusion and second-guessing in matters of the heart. You might be tempted to compromise yourself in some way, all in the name of love. Careful, don't do anything that you know may damage your reputation, especially professionally! That means being very cautious about how much you discuss your personal life to those who are influential in your career. Judgement that hurts you is possible.



JUN 21 - JUL 22 

Sudden changes in your social life might have ramifications for your love life. If you're in a relationship and you and your partner have certain couple friends, it's possible that you'll hear news about them splitting up. This will happen out of the blue and it might leave you and your mate feeling torn up. Make sure that another couple's problems don't bleed into your relationship, Cancer. It's not necessary. In other news, if you're single, it's possible that you'll be crushing on someone you see as extremely spiritual or intellectual, a real guru. Be careful. This looks like a fantasy more than anything else.



JUL 23 - AUG 22 

The last thing you want to do is get your friends involved in your love life. If you're in a relationship, then it's possible that confiding in a pal about your romantic troubles or confusion will do more harm than good. This friend might talk to your significant other and try to be a mediator for you -- without you knowing. Although his or her intentions might be good, it's only going to make you feel invaded. If you're single, this won't be the week to let a friend coax you into connecting with someone they know. Again, their intentions might be pure, but the person they're thinking of isn't exactly what he or she seems. Pass on it, Leo.



AUG 23 - SEP 22 

Relationships are blurry this week. Being idealistic and wanting to see the best in your lover is one thing, but you're only hurting yourself when you choose to remain blind to potential deal-breaker situations. It's possible you'll discover something about your mate that leaves you feeling extremely disappointed. The most frustrating part to you about this is that the writing was on the wall the entire time -- you just chose not to look. If you're single, you might find yourself fantasizing about a grand love affair with someone you hold in high regard. Don't get too lost in your reverie, Virgo.



SEP 23 - OCT 22 

A snap decision about joint finances is possible for you and your partner this week. At first, it might appear to be reckless and sudden. However, when you look deeper into it, it seems that your partner does indeed have an absolutely brilliant idea with a real leg to stand on! It's worth listening to, Libra. If you're single, it's very possible that you'll connect with someone and feel an immediate chemistry. It could be so electrifying that you find yourself unable to think about anything other than this person. Take it easy!



OCT 23 - NOV 21 

On Monday, Mercury moves into your partnership sector and makes an exact conjunction to Uranus by Thursday. As a result of this lineup, it's possible you and your partner will start out discussing one way of handling a family or real estate matter, only to completely change your plan by Thursday. It could be unnerving, but the end result will be much better than you could have anticipated, so be open to this change. If you're single, you're really feeling vulnerable this weekend. Don't allow yourself to be swept away by someone who is too good to be true, Scorpio! This person is not all that he or she seems.



NOV 22 - DEC 21 

For some reason, it looks like a family member is causing all sorts of confusion about your love life. This relative might find some hidden information about your partner and feel as if he or she needs to bring it to your attention. Another possibility is that you and your partner are just not seeing clearly when it comes to domestic decisions. Avoid them. If you're completely single, then you might feel that for now, it's for the best. You have too much to handle on the home front anyway.



DEC 22 - JAN 19 

Mercury enters your romance sector on Monday, making it certain that one way or another, love is on your mind. Interestingly enough, you might struggle with a fear of striking up a conversation with someone you have your eye on near Tuesday Mercury squares off with Saturn. Don't worry, it's just a temporary paralysis. By Thursday, your tune is changing entirely thanks to Mercury meeting up with Uranus. A surprise conversation is in store, Capricorn! You might also make a sudden decision about your love life.



JAN 20 - FEB 18 

When it comes to love, you may feel like you're in over your head this week. Venus is still in your true love sector, granting you plenty of romantic opportunities, and that by itself is a beautiful thing! Singles are getting attention and coupled Aquarians are feeling the love as well. However, Venus will square off with nebulous Neptune this week, making you second-guess everything about matters of the heart. Are you with the right person? Is the grass greener somewhere else? Is the person you love being genuine? Do you even want a love relationship right now? All you have are questions but no answers. It's OK. Marinate.



FEB 19 - MAR 20 

If you're in a relationship, then communication between you and your mate is about to become much livelier. Mercury enters your message sector on Monday and will meet up with Uranus, the planet of innovation, by Thursday. You and your mate could have an "aha" moment together as you engage in a conversation about finances or the direction of your love life. You both agree that it's time to try something new, but you'll manage to do this in a grounded manner. It's a win! If single, you might not want to share your romantic ideals with a family member. They will only crush your dreams, Pisces.

Category: Arts & Culture