March 16, 2017


March 21 – April 19 

In many ways, the present blend of energies is excellent for manifesting your dreams, as you’re very much in touch with the subtler levels in which they exist. You also have the ability to plan ahead and take action to bring them into reality. If you can avoid becoming bored with an idea before it gets off the ground, something beautiful may blossom over the days and weeks ahead. On another note, a conversation could lead to a sizzling date night.



May 21 - Jun 20 

There are some things that you might prefer to keep secret at this time, so don’t feel guilty about doing so. Even if your best friends encourage you to spill the beans, there’s no reason why you should. You’ll know when you’re ready to update them, but until then silence can be golden. Even so, with Mars in your sign, your actions can speak louder than words. This suggests that you could give the game away even without meaning to.



May 21 - Jun 20 

As Mars moves more deeply into your spiritual sector, it could stir up feelings that have roots in the past. This is also the time to let go of any baggage that could be keeping you from expressing yourself or achieving your greatest ambitions. One way to do this could be through art or crafts, or by moving your body by dancing, swimming, jogging, or anything else that grounds you. These simple measures can help you feel so much better.



Jun 21 - Jul 22 

Present influences could see you pushing ahead with a goal that requires charm as well as persistence. Now the cosmos can supply you with both, although the encouragement of your friends may be what persuades you to follow through. But there can be big dividends if you stick with your plan no matter how difficult is to do so. You could be very aware of the bigger picture, but the details are more important at this time.



Jul 23 - Aug 22 

Mercury’s move into your sector of exploration could make you curious to travel to a place you’ve never visited before. Pictures and online reviews may call out to you and be the reason you’re so eager to go ahead and book the trip. But you may have responsibilities connected to your career or business, and attending to these can be particularly fruitful at this time. A job well done may bring further options for a promotion or more and better clients.



Aug 23 - Sep 22 

The presence of Mercury and Venus in a sensitive area of your chart could encourage you to take a closer look at your financial situation and get your money working harder for you. At the same time, this blend of energies can be excellent for enhancing your love life. There may be a freshness and spontaneity about the intimate moments you spend together. If you haven’t had much quality time, the cosmos hints that a vacation could be just the ticket.



Sep 23 - Oct 22 

Your love life could be especially spicy at this time, with a lovely blend of energies just perfect for enjoying some great social occasions and romantic outings. The cosmos also encourages you to explore your senses in more detail, especially if your focus has been on mental pursuits. Take the time to get a sensuous massage or some spa treatments that will help you relax into the present moment. If you experience any difficulties this week, simply let them float away.



Oct 23 - Nov 21 

The focus on your lifestyle sector could encourage you to consider how productive you are and whether changing your routine might help. This can also relate to your overall energy level and encourage you to let go of any tasks or activities that don’t really serve you. The same goes for your diet or exercise routine. You may be aware of certain changes that could improve your health immeasurably. Getting out and just having fun can also be a wonderful tonic.



Nov 22 - Dec 21 

This can be an excellent week for finances and work and job progress if you play your cards right. You can now confidently pursue those deals reassured that things will work out in your favor as long as you know what you want. An honest and down-to-earth approach can achieve much. Artistic and musical influences may be strong now, too. Attending a cultural event could leave you feeling very upbeat. If you need a little downtime, take it.



Dec 22 - Jan 19 

A friendly gesture or delightful opportunity could boost your enthusiasm this week. Career indicators hint that a goal or plan could take longer than you anticipated to come to fruition, but it will happen if you can be patient. In addition, a focus on the element of water hints that you should avoid wasting time on regret. If you need to talk something over with someone, have a heart-to-heart chat and you’ll quickly feel better.



Jan 20 - Feb 18 

If an ongoing issue won’t go away, you might need to give it more time. A friend may come to the rescue with a fresh perspective that reassures you and gives you confidence about the future. A sociable blend of energies may enhance business options and romantic possibilities, too. You can have the best of both worlds if you want it this week. Even so, with the Sun making an edgy angle to Saturn, being firm can keep someone from taking advantage of you.



Feb 19 - Mar 20

The week ahead has some very sociable qualities, and the more you put into arranging activities and connecting with others, the more fun it can be. However, you could encounter some resistance from someone in authority, and this may be a call to discuss a key issue. A tentative approach may well pave the way for a compromise that can work well for both of you. Regarding money, you may become aware of an opportunity that can help your cash flow.

Category: Arts & Culture

March 16, 2017 

Associated Press 


Daniel Kaluuya, star of the horror hit “Get Out,” has responded to Samuel L. Jackson’s suggestion that a black American actor ought to have played his part.


Jackson last week told radio station Hot 97 that he thought too many roles were going to British black actors. Jackson said an “American brother who really feels” the movie's racial tensions would have benefited “Get Out,” a thriller about deep-seated American racism and an interracial couple.


In an interview posted Monday by GQ, the 27-year-old Kaluuya expressed admiration for Jackson but disagreed with his stance.


“Here’s the thing about that critique, though. I’m dark-skinned, bro,” said Kaluuya. “When I’m around black people I’m made to feel ‘other’ because I’m dark-skinned. I’ve had to wrestle with that, with people going ‘You’re too black.’ Then I come to America and they say, ‘You’re not black enough.’ I go to Uganda, I can’t speak the language. In India, I’m black. In the black community, I’m dark-skinned. In America, I’m British. Bro!”


Kaluuya said that while he wasn’t “trying to culture-vulture,” Jordan Peele’s script “spoke to me,” and that he’s experienced his own traumas as a black person.


“I’ve been to Ugandan weddings, and funerals, and seen that cousin bring a white girl,” said Kaluuya. “That’s a thing in all communities. I really respect African-American people. I just want to tell black stories.”


“Get Out,” made for $4.5 million by Blumhouse Productions, has made more than $111 million in three weeks of release.

Category: Arts & Culture

March 09, 2017 

By Brittany K. Jackson 

Contributing Writer 


Recently, EBONY Magazine and iTunes Movies collaborated for its 2nd Annual Pre-Oscars Celebration, this time to honor storytellers who have transformed Hollywood cinema and the Black entertainment culture. The night brought out a slew of celebrities, producers, directors and actors who shared in the support of industry game changers like Ava DuVernay, Issa Rae, and John Singleton, filmmakers who’ve worked tirelessly to change the narrative of Black Hollywood.


One of the nights’ honorees included Raoul Peck, filmmaker of the Oscar-nominated film, “I Am Not Your Negro”, who said that while he’s happy about the nomination, he’s happier for James Baldwin, who stood alongside his good friends Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X and Medgar Evers in the fight for racial equality in America.


“Finally I hope he will be recognized for the great man, and the greater writer that he is,” Peck stated. The Haitian director said that that we still have a lot of catching up to do. “The film industry, the Hollywood story has never been ours and we have so many stories that we need to tell, and we need to catch our narrative back,” Peck declared.


Peck said that it was reading Baldwin’s book “The Fire Next Time” that ultimately changed the scope of his life. “That was my first book and he basically changed my life, he never left me since then, and he was a very important figure in my life,” Peck continued.




Singer, actress and businesswoman LeToya Luckett also made an appearance at the event. The “Single Ladies” star says EBONY Magazine has always played an integral role in inspiring her and the women who look like her to be great. “Who else is going to tell our story but us? Who’s going to do it better? We have to continue it, and we have to even go deeper, we have to dig deeper and not be afraid and walk in fear that somebody might think a certain way or we’re not being politically correct,” Luckett said. “We need to tell our stories the way we need to tell our stories to the depths and the core of who we are,” she added.


“Closer” singer Goapele also stopped by to share news of her role in the short film “Where Is Beauty”, which taps into multicultural identity, self-love and the woman’s experience of beauty in the 21st century. In the film, directed by Angela McCrae, Goapele delves deep into how “we’re looking to social media for reflections of ourselves” and how to find love within without compromise. As it pertains to our representation in Hollywood, the singer says she’s just “happy that there’s more stories, more variety out there right now”.





Category: Arts & Culture

March 09, 2017 


March 21 – April 19 

Although you may be busy with a number of ideas, the week ahead could encourage you to take a much more philosophical approach to your plans. First, a focus on your spiritual sector suggests this is the time to sort out your priorities and let go of issues that no longer serve you. This can be essential to future progress. Mars then moves into Taurus and your personal money zone, bringing a more practical and down-to-earth approach to everyday matters.



May 21 - Jun 20 

Your social life looks particularly upbeat this week, with a lively blend of energies encouraging plenty of interaction. It’s also possible that an old friend will call up with an offer to reconnect. If you do, this could be a very poignant meeting. You’ll be in your element as Mars powers into your sign midweek to give you the fortitude to press ahead with personal plans. There will be no stopping you from making your dreams a reality and showcasing your skills.



May 21 - Jun 20 

Your thoughts could be very important this week, in the sense that what you focus on may have a greater tendency to materialize. It may help you to put your energy into ideas and visualizations that are in line with what you want. Try not to dwell on things that could go wrong, as this could result in a dip in confidence. Mars moves into a secluded sector of your chart, which could encourage a very insightful inner journey.



 Jun 21 - Jul 22 

Travel and adventure could be your focus this week and for some weeks to come, and toward that end you may be ready to make some travel plans. Nostalgia for a certain place might encourage you to return and sample the local culture once again. Socially, things are also picking up as Mars encourages you to be more proactive in this area. This might mean moving in new circles, joining groups, and reaching out to people who can refresh your spirits.



Jul 23 - Aug 22 

A deeper pulse could be why you feel drawn to contemplate key situations and the reasons behind them. A focus on a more sensitive area of your chart hints that the coming weeks could be a time of change, one in which it can be important to let go of anything that no longer serves you. And this could be very helpful if you have an ambitious plan in mind, as the less emotional baggage you carry, the better for you.



Aug 23 - Sep 22 

How far should you go to accommodate other peoples’ needs? The present blend of energies hints that you may go too far, especially if someone tends to make you feel guilty no matter what you do for them. But astrological shifts this week, along with a Full Moon in your sign, could see you standing your ground and being a little bit more assertive in this situation. And maybe it’s about time that you were, for your own good.



Sep 23 - Oct 22 

Wellness issues may come to the fore in the coming days. You could join with a friend or perhaps a group in order to improve your overall health. You might also be eager to change your diet, as a key influence could see you considering ways to unburden your body of any toxins. On a more intimate note, the presence of Mars in Taurus can greatly enhance your senses, making the coming weeks especially perfect for romance with all the trimmings



Oct 23 - Nov 21 

Leisure options are calling out to you, meaning that the week ahead may offer up some sterling opportunities for parties, celebrations, and generally enjoying life. An encounter could coincide with some in-depth conversation, though, and this might encourage you to make a pivotal decision. Mars moves into your sector of relating, so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to clear the air, as well as rekindle the flame of passion. Exciting interactions could also be more conducive to getting things done.



Nov 22 - Dec 21 

You may feel like taking a back seat this week, and this could be because the Sun is presently moving through your home and family sector. This brings an opportunity to recharge and indulge in a little self-care. Everyone needs this from time to time, so don’t begrudge yourself the chance to rest when you can. Also, you may be ready to put your focus on health and fitness matters, which will do you some good if your intentions have lapsed recently.



Dec 22 - Jan 19 

Your curiosity may be aroused by snatches of conversation, things you read online, or perhaps a TV program that captures your imagination. The coming days could see you looking into certain subjects and being quite passionate to learn more. Whatever piques your interest could indicate a new trend developing in your life. Your leisure sector looks livelier, too, with romantic opportunities peaking for you right now. If you’re hoping to impress a certain person, appeal to the senses.



Jan 20 - Feb 18 

With Mars entering the sensual sign of Taurus and your home and family sector this week, it might be time to slow down and enjoy some home cooking. If you can take a break in the coming weeks, try to do so. This could be a golden opportunity to recharge in a very deep way. Shopping could also appeal to you, with a great chance to get a special bargain. There could also be a temptation to splurge this weekend, so don’t overdo it.



Feb 19 - Mar 20 

A conversation with a friend could result in you collaborating on an idea or project that appeals to you greatly. Although this might seem like a minor matter at the moment, it could blossom into something worthwhile. Later in the week the focus shifts to your communication sector, and here you may be guided to spend more time with those you care about. Calling or e-mailing and generally letting them know that you’re there can help cement those key bonds. 

Category: Arts & Culture

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