September 01, 2016


March 21 – April 19 

Three upbeat planets are hovering together in the last few degrees of Virgo, so you could feel a push to get certain plans up and running. With Jupiter close to moving into Libra, you might want to make as much progress as you can by taking advantage of openings that enhance your job or health prospects. There's even a chance you could be pushed into acting, as the Solar Eclipse coincides with an event that could work out well over the long term.



May 21 - Jun 20 

There's plenty happening in your leisure sector this week, beginning with the potential for a special meeting with romantic overtones. The Solar Eclipse in this sector on Thursday suggests that you should be careful if you find yourself falling in love. Relationships can take unusual twists if they begin around the time of the Solar Eclipse, so it's good to be cautious. And with Mercury turning retrograde, it would be better not to rush to take things to the next level 



May 21 - Jun 20 

Home and family matters, real estate, and DIY projects are key this week as the focus encourages you to move forward with any plans you've been nurturing. It's possible that you may be pushed into taking action sooner rather than later, as a Solar Eclipse can coincide with events that force the pace. While this may seem uncomfortable at first, you'll soon realize that you have more opportunities and freedom than you had before. Mercury turns retrograde, so delays could be inevitable.



 Jun 21 - Jul 22 

This week could center on negotiation and communication. It seems that you may be involved in meetings and discussions of varying degrees of importance. Mercury flips backward in this same zone, so be wary of signing important deals or contracts at this time. If you can wait until Mercury turns direct, in approximately three weeks, things should go more smoothly. With a Solar Eclipse in this sector, don't be surprised if an unexpected opportunity changes your life in some way.



Jul 23 - Aug 22 

The coming week could be very lively, particularly when it comes to matters associated with values, the wise use of resources, and making the most of your skills and talents. While there are opportunities to push forward with your plans, retrograde Mercury means you might be better off researching your options in the coming three weeks. A Solar Eclipse in this area could coincide with long overdue changes, so take your time before making any key decisions.



Aug 23 - Sep 22 

This week could see one or two changes in your life that could please you very much. You may notice some turbulence early on as a Solar Eclipse, which peaks on Thursday, stirs up feelings. At the same time, your ruler Mercury flips backward for three weeks. Bearing this in mind, it might be best to take each day as it comes. Trying to plan ahead could be difficult, especially if events occur that you'll need to respond to immediately.



Sep 23 - Oct 22 

You could find yourself in the position of helping others who need unbiased advice or a shoulder to cry on. With a powerful lineup in a more secluded sector of your chart, this is also a chance to take time out for yourself. Should you be in the position of doing all the giving without getting much back, this is your opportunity to create firm boundaries. The Solar Eclipse could bring one such situation your attention, requiring positive action on your part.



Oct 23 - Nov 21 

Your social life looks ready to rock this week, with a lot going on in this sector of your chart. Mercury turns retrograde on Tuesday, so you may find that old friends or even old flames walk back into your life. The coming three weeks could bring opportunities for reunions and making amends. A Solar Eclipse on Thursday could bring changes regarding your current social situation. Whatever happens, you may find that you're catapulted into new friendships that could be your making.



Nov 22 - Dec 21 

The Sun is now in a dynamic section of your chart and encouraging you to push forward with your plans. You might even find that an unexpected opportunity leads you to make new plans on the spur of the moment. Should this occur, it will likely involve moving out of your comfort zone. You might have to overcome certain feelings of resistance in order to take advantage of it. Things could work out well for you if you do.



Dec 22 - Jan 19 

Will you be heading out into the wild, blue yonder? If this week's Solar Eclipse has anything to do with it, you might. Eclipses can often coincide with unexpected events, so you could be offered a trip associated with your job or a family celebration. Or you could spontaneously decide to take a class that has positive consequences for you. Mercury turns retrograde on Tuesday, so think very carefully before you make any life-changing decisions.



Jan 20 - Feb 18 

A major focus on your zone of change and transformation indicates this week could set the pace for the rest of the year. As Mercury flips backward in your sign it can encourage you to come to grips with any financial issues that may be holding you back. The reason is that a Solar Eclipse can coincide an opportunity that you won't want to miss. Also, a key relationship could go through some dynamic changes that take things to a more intimate level.



Feb 19 - Mar 20 

Other people could have a dynamic effect on your life this week, perhaps more so than usual. This will be due to the Solar Eclipse in this sector, which could coincide with a love affair or proposal. Equally, you might be tempted into a business partnership or some other collaboration. Whatever happens, don't rush to get involved. Think about it carefully over the next three weeks or so and then make a decision once you have more to go on.

Category: Arts & Culture

September 01, 2016 

There’s THREE ways to enter the StarQuest Singing Competition this year!


Option 1: Enter Via Taste of Soul mobile app


(DEADLINE TO ENTER: September 16, 2016)


• Download the Taste of Soul app. Look up “Taste of Soul” in App Store or Google Play


• Record a 45 second video of yourself singing


• Fill out entry form


• Upload video under the “StarQuest” tab on the main page of app


• Get your family & friends to VOTE for your video!!


Option 2: Enter Via


(DEADLINE TO ENTER: September 16, 2016)


• Go to


• Record a 45 second video of yourself singing


• Fill out entry form


• Upload video to Youtube, Vimeo or Dailymotion


• Enter URL of uploaded video to


• Get your family & friends to VOTE for your video and share to social media!!


Whoever gets the most votes from entering on the Taste of Soul mobile app or website, will become the “People’s Choice” Finalist and will get to compete against 9 other finalists at the Taste of Soul StarQuest stage October 15, 2016!! You are permitted to enter both on the app, website AND in person!


Option 3: Enter in person at the live auditions on September 24-25 at the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza


• On both September 24 & September 25 StarQuest will give BOTH StarQuest 4 Kids (5-17 years old) and StarQuest for adults (18+ years old) the chance to audition to become a finalist!


• Saturday, September 24 auditions will go from 10am-4pm (ALL AGES WELCOME)


• Sunday, September 25 auditions will go from 1pm-4pm (ALL AGES WELCOME)


Good luck!!


Follow us on Twitter @TasteofSoulLA and Instagram @TasteOfSoulLA


#TOS16 #StarQuest16 #FamilyAffair

Category: Arts & Culture

August 25, 2016 

By Zon D’Amour 

Contributing Writer 

How many generations back can you trace your family lineage? Many people who consider themselves “native Angelenos” have a history that dates back to the South. In the early 1900s and well into the Civil Rights era, many African American families made their way out west in hopes of living a less segregated, more inclusive life. Over the years, these fascinating stories of taking a train or driving cross country through uncharted territory have been verbally passed down from generation-to-gen­eration without being formally written and documented. Through “History Detectives”, renown actor, director and co-Founder of the Robey Theatre Company, Ben Guillory is encouraging the community to “Add Your Story” with the possibility of having it adapted into a play. Following the “History Detectives”, first interest meeting, Guillory, spoke exclusively with the L.A. Watts Times about the importance of having the South Central community get involved in this initiative.


LAWT: What’s the mission behind the series and how will you all decide what stories to move forward with?


Ben Guillory: “History De­tect­ives” combs through stories from inhabitants of the black community who’ve interacted with so many other cultures and communities. Many of the stories are verbal and as generations pass on, some of those stories are lost and they’re worthy of being recorded historically and possibly being dramatized into a play because that’s what the Robey Theatre Company does, we produce plays.  We have four playwrights who are working collaborators with the Robey Theatre. They’re on board because they showed a real interest in the project. This is a means to find out more about us, transcribe it and dramatize it. We’ll continue to hear stories about the African American culture and then we’ll comb through those narratives and eventually produce several one act plays.


LAWT: How are you encouraging millennials to be more engaged with learning about their heritage?


BG: A part of our mission at the Robey Theatre Company is enlightenment through theatre; it’s educational at the various levels of the work that we do. For instance, “The Magnificent Dunbar Hotel”, a play that we commissioned and produced in 2014-2015 was about the Dunbar Hotel on Central Ave. in Los Angeles. It’s a historic landmark that was built in 1929 and it was the only hotel in L.A. until about 1961 where African Americans were allowed to stay. That information alone, along with the various inhabitants in the hotel as well as the Central Ave. culture in L.A. is an important story in our history.


A big part of what we do is a theatrical rendition of many historical subjects without jumping on a soapbox and becoming too academic about it. Theatre is magic when it works well and those who witness it are very receptive.


LAWT: How important is it to have The Museum of African American Art on board with this series?


BG: This museum is one of L.A.’s best keep secrets on the top floor of the Macy’s building in the Crenshaw mall. The leadership, including President Berlinda Fontenot-Jamerson, have been very generous to allow us to have the orientation here. It’s an integral part of our culture and community that they are preserving. It’s extremely important for folks to appreciate the artwork here.


For more information on participating in the “History Detectives” series, visit: Robey Theatre

Category: Arts & Culture

August 25, 2016


March 21 – April 19 

You can go far this week so long as you believe in yourself. In fact, Monday brings an opportunity to leave your comfort zone and try something a little bit different. You might also want to take stock of your everyday routines and weed out any that no longer serve any positive purpose. If you try too hard to make something happen, you could end up getting frustrated. Starting midweek, try to relax and go with the flow.



May 21 - Jun 20

Life's pleasures are there for the taking, and there are plenty of chances to enjoy them when the Sun dances into your leisure sector early this week. Whether you're looking for romance or seeking to rekindle love's flame, the present backdrop brings the opportunity to do so. Where business matters are concerned, you could hit a snag. The more you try to overcome it, the more intractable it may seem. Avoid making any major business moves and go easy this week.



May 21 - Jun 20 

Your home and family sector seems very upbeat at this time, especially with the Sun moving in on Monday. You might want to get on with household tasks or DIY jobs, especially any that have languished. A partner or someone else you know could seem particularly stubborn, especially from midweek on. In fact, you might find it hard to know where you stand. But if you leave well alone, things can be a lot more positive by next week.



 Jun 21 - Jul 22 

There's a lot going on in your communication sector that can be very productive over the coming weeks. This can be an excellent opportunity to expand your network, negotiate, and discuss important contracts or deals. Although you may be eager to get things moving, your energy could take a nosedive as Mars links with Saturn midweek and Neptune on Friday. You might have to lighten your schedule and take things more slowly. You'll be back on track by next week.



Jul 23 - Aug 22 

The coming week could be busy. With a focus on Virgo, this could be an opportunity to consider whether you're making the best use of your time. There are probably activities you can cut back or out so you can focus on more important and lucrative tasks. Starting midweek, you could experience something of a creative block that delays a project. If this is the case, don't worry. Use this opportunity to relax and recharge and you'll soon be back on top.



 Aug 23 - Sep 22 

Monday is an upbeat day for you, not only because the Sun moves into your sign to enhance your vitality but also because another positive connection could bring good fortune your way. Over the coming four weeks you'll have plenty of opportunities to get moving on goals that have personal meaning for you. However, matters at home could delay your plans, especially starting midweek. If so, don't fight it. Go with the flow and any issues will soon melt away.



Sep 23 - Oct 22 

The Sun joins Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter in your spiritual zone on Monday, making this a good time to kick back and take a detached view of life. If there are aspects of your life that you're unhappy with, use this time to consider why this might be and what you can do about it. Edgy Mars aspects can cause frustrating delays, which is another reason why you may want to ease up this week and relax. Circumnavigate the hurdles if possible.



Oct 23 - Nov 21 

Your social sector grows even more vibrant on Monday, particularly with the Sun adding extra sparkle to this zone. This is an opportunity for a celebration, as a lively link between Mercury and Jupiter is perfect for family get-togethers and good times with good friends. Your finances might be a cause for concern, particularly starting midweek. This could lead you to wonder whether you'll ever get back on track. Fear not - you will! Things should seem a lot more positive next week.



Nov 22 - Dec 21 

As the Sun dances into your sector of goals and ambitions, the coming four weeks bring an opportunity to explore ways to accomplish your plans. In fact, you could feel quite buoyed up by the potential that's now showing up for you. However, don't be too eager to push forward from midweek on, as you could face a few delays. This could be the best time to do some research and make any necessary changes. Saturday shows promise in more ways than one.



Dec 22 - Jan 19 

On Monday, the desire to be adventurous and visit new places could increase as the Sun enters your sector of travel and exploration. In fact, the weekend could spotlight opportunities that you'll be eager to embrace. Don't be too surprised if an unexpected event threatens to scuttle your plans for the week's second half. As Mars links to Saturn and Neptune, a carefully orchestrated idea could come to nothing. If you go with the flow, something better could take its place.



Jan 20 - Feb 18 

The focus zeros in on a sensitive sector of your chart, one that's associated with shared resources and secrets. In fact, the coming weeks bring an opportunity to get to know yourself better and perhaps make some radical decisions about key aspects of your life. When it comes to teamwork and getting people on board with an idea of yours, you could face some opposition. Bide your time. Within a week it may very well melt away.



Feb 19 - Mar 20 

Your relationships look more sizzling than ever, especially as the Sun now enters this sector and brings many options for socializing, interacting, and taking a key association to the next level. This can be one of the better times to get into the dating loop or create a partnership for business or other interests. When it comes to pursuing one of your goals or plans, you could find yourself in a quandary midweek. If so, ease back and go with the flow. 

Category: Arts & Culture

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