January 16, 2014
By Gigi Tinsley
Special to the NNPA from
The Miami Times
The word of God says: “Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old, they will not depart from it.”
Those instructions are true and a prime example of it is Pete Scott, the son of Pastor Emeritus Selwyn M. and the late Antonia Scott, founders of the Revival Tabernacle Assembly of God Church at 2085 NW 97th Street.
“If it were not for the prayers of my parents and church family, I would probably be one of those individuals living under the bridge in downtown Miami, and standing on the corner begging for quarters. Even though I knew I was intelligent and the teachers knew I was intelligent, I seldom attended school. I didn’t like going.”
Peter gives thanks to God that he was taught at an early age what “thus says the Lord” and the impact the teachings received from his parents had on him when he found himself in trouble. “When the SUV my father was driving caught on fire and the fire was too intense for him to get us out of the burning vehicle, I prayed. All of a sudden, just where we were, the fire died down and daddy was able to get us out. I know that was God.”
Peter was born in Trinidad and was brought to the U.S. when he was only three years old. He attended public schools in Miami-Dade County and graduated from Miami Norland Senior High School in 1984.
He enlisted into the Air Force in 1986, worked in the Fire Dept. and left the services in 1992. Peter then joined the Fire Dept. in Savannah, GA and worked there until 1994, when he came back to South FL and became a part of the Civilian Department of Defense, serving as assistant chief from 1994-2011.
Because the award is such a coveted one, Peter found out in 2012 that he probably was going to be the recipient of the award but he wasn’t officially approved and he finally received in Dec. 2013.
Congratulations, National Fireman of the Year.