June 19, 2014
LAWT Wire Services
Grandmasters held their 10th Annual St John’s Day ceremony at the Mt.Tabor Missionary Baptist Church. The Fraternal Order began with a huge parade waving and greeting the Community. Grand Masters and members of the Order were escorted by a motorcade to Mt. Tabor Missionary Baptist Church. The Conference, founded by Grand Master Willie Gaulf 33° was designed to create unity among the Grand Lodges in Southern California. Grand Master Richard Ramirez 33° serves as President while Grand Master Van A. Hibler 33° serves as First Vice President. Hundreds were in attendance including several Chapters of the Order of The Easter Stars to hear remarks from conference officers. The Pastor of Mt. Tabor Missionary Baptist Church, Dr. Ticey M. Brown, delivered a very powerful sermon that was well received by all.
The Sovereign Grandmaster David Henry 33º X° started his speech by saying “ First giving honor to God for without him I am no one. I want to give praise and gratitude to “My” Grandmaster, the Honorable Van A. Hibler 33º and my Worshipful Master /District Deputy Grandmaster Steven Jiles 33° for their continuous methodical and deliberate teachings over the years that shaped me to become the man I am today. Honorable Grand Master Van A. Hibbler 33º taught me many years ago the true essence of this Masonic structure, illuminating my mind to know that you must continue to pray, study and thrust for truth and wisdom in order to lead others down a righteous path. Feed the truth and those men who want to become Master Masons will illuminate their own minds through your truthfulness, and deliberate teachings. Grandmaster Henry 33º X° closed by saying Thank you Worshipful Master Steven Giles Jiles 33º for teaching me for years how to become a Master Mason preparing me to become a Grand Master, and to Honorable Van A. Hibbler for making a Grand Master years ago. I will always love you both and appreciate you forever. I know the importance of passing on the torch of knowledge and leadership to the next generation in the fraternal orders as well the importance of 3&4 letter lodges standing together in solidarity will only better serve the communities of which we travel and this country we vow to protect.
Supreme Sovereign Grand Master David Henry X° introduced R.W. Deputy Grandmaster Kevin Briley 33° and R.W. Grand High Priest Brandon Kiel 33° to address the audience and bring greetings on behalf of Minister & Grand Matron Tonette Henry of the Lady Jewel of the Nile Grand Chapter and The Order of the Eastern Stars. Minister Henry could not be in attendance as she was the keynote speaker at an event for the very important upcoming run-off for LA County Sheriff. G.H.P. Kiel recognized her in her absence, giving thanks to the Political Clergy Council’s Founder and CEO, Minister M.W.G.M Tonette Henry for her continuous hard work, dedication, and strong spiritual leadership, in Southern California. R.W. Grand High Priest, Brandon Kiel serves as the Deputy Director of Community Affairs for Attorney General Kamala D. Harris. Kiel informed the audience of the Attorney General's unyielding commitment to education and the importance of each and every members obligation to ensure that every child is reading by the 3rd grade an at 3rd grade reading level, as well as having perfect attendance. Kiel provided shocking information about the staggering numbers of elementary school students who were truant in California and how the Attorney General needs their support to address this critical issue. Kiel received a large round of applause. Freemasonry is the largest and oldest fraternal organization in the world. The rich Masonic history in Southern California can only be preserved if the knowledge from pioneers like Hon. Grand Master Gaulf 33º, Hon. Grand Master Ramirez 33º, and Hon. Grand Master Hibbler is passed down to those who are worthy to teach and build.