November 01, 2012
Senator Curren D. Price, Jr. has been recognized by the California Small Business Association and the California Small Business Roundtable for his strong record of advocacy for small businesses in the California Legislature, receiving their coveted “2012 Small Business Legislator of the Year” award.
Beginning in 1995, the SBLY has been awarded to California legislators who have “demonstrated leadership on behalf of small business.”
“We would like to applaud Senator Price for his continued support of small business before the Legislature,” said Betty Jo Toccoli, president of the California Small Business Association.
“The small business community can always count on Senator Price to promote policies that help small businesses thrive in California.”
Specifically the association cited these reasons for Senator Price’s selection:
• Small Business Advisory Council: Price partnered with CSBA to hold an advisory council in his district and was responsive to small business leadership.
• Small Business Platform/ Awareness: Price’s office considers small business an important constituency by honoring small business owners in his district.
• Legislation: Price authored small business bills and assisted small businesses in securing amendments on small business issues.
• Access and Availability: Price’s staff was accessible, enthusiastic and informed on the importance of collaboration between Sen. Price and CSBA/CSBR
Last year, the Small Business Exchange Weekly wrote, “The small and minority business community, as a whole, have no greater friend than Senator Price.”
The newspaper article also noted that Senator Price has consistently worked toward making the state a more proactive member in encouraging and implementing full diversity in its procurement and business contracting practices.”
Senator Price has been the recipient of numerous business awards including:
• The “Freedom Fighter of the Year” award from the California Disabled Veteran Business Alliance for his “strong leadership and support to California Veterans and Disabled Veteran Entrepreneurs, 2012
• Small Business Advocate Award from the Greater Los Angeles African American Chamber of Commerce (GLAAAC) in 2010
• Small Business “Champion Award” from the Sacramento Black Chamber of Commerce in 2011
• The President’s Award, California Black Chamber
• Legislator of the Year, California Dental Association, 2012
• Artistic License Award, Arts Council and California Lawyers for the Arts
• President’s Award, California Association of Museums 2011
• Glass Award, Honorary Lifetime Member, California Black Chamber, 2010
Senator Price is a strong advocate for creating new opportunities for small business enterprises and has authored legislation to increase opportunities for small businesses to compete for state contracts and offer incentives for creating new jobs. He has held small business and economic development forums and town halls in his district since being elected to the Legislature in 2006.
The Senator’s passion to serve his constituents, the public, and California small businesses leads him to host many events. For example, last year, he hosted a Small Business Access to Capital and International Trade Forum as well as an event to explore opportunities and disparities in State Contracting, including the multi-billion dollar major California High Speed Rail project.
In previous years, he held a Small Business Empowerment Expo of key business leaders to discuss the survival of small businesses; a series of town hall meetings on major issues impacting the state, and hosted one of the largest regional job fairs in the state, with over 3,000 attendees, including more than 50 employers offering several hundred jobs. He also sponsored a major Southern California Economic Recovery Summit, consisting of business executives, labor leaders, economists, academicians, and civic leaders, to discuss economic development and the creation of new jobs in Los Angeles.
Emphasizing his commitment to developing international trade opportunities with sub-Saharan Africa, Senator Curren D. Price, Jr. has co-hosted the African Diaspora Marketplace Road Show (ADM), an informational forum that educated interested parties about a business plan competition and financial support available for businesses seeking to develop innovative enterprises on the African Continent.