November 08, 2012
Cheryl Brown, publisher of Black Voice News scored a major upset against Joe Baca Jr. (son of an established local politician) Tuesday, in a race for the state’s 47th Assembly District. The early election returns showed her with a double-digit lead over Baca Jr. in the assembly race.
“There are a lot of votes to be counted, and I’m hoping this holds,” she said before the final results.
“Voters are looking for a leader who can bring people together rather than divide.”
By the end of the evening after the votes were tallied and 100 percent of the precincts reported, the numbers read:
CHERYL BROWN – 29,500 with 56.45 percent of the total votes.
JOE BACA JR. – 22,757 with 43.55 of the total votes.
Now, Brown will be going to the Assembly to represent the 47th District, where she will join her colleague, Assemblywoman Wilmer Amina Carter, for whom she worked. Her political experience includes working in the California legislature as district representative for State Senator Gloria Negrete McLeod; for the San Bernardino County Planning Department; the County and City Planning Commissions; and as a commissioner where she was elected president of the California County Commissioners’ Association.
Brown’s journalism credentials include 12 years as a television talk-show host for local access television, KCSB Channel 3, guest appearances on Burden of Proof, MSNBC, the Brian Williams’ Show and Channel 11 Fox News. She and husband Hardy Brown, co publisher of Black Voice News have been recognized as the only living publishers to be included in the 175th anniversary of the Black Press in America.
Their names are among historic publishers like Frederick Douglass, Ida B. Wells-Barnett and Carlotta Bass – all who overcame great obstacles to publish the truth and to give voice to stories that had gone untold. They have refined the art of the Black publishers’ credo, “For too long we have allowed others to tell our story; we have to tell our own story.”
As a state legislator, she will be able to carry that same fervor and commitment to Sacramento as she serves her constituents. The Browns have four children, eight grand children and four great grand children.
“What I want for my family, I want for all families: a safe community that provides good jobs, innovative business opportunities, excellent schools and quality, affordable healthcare,” Brown said.