November 15, 2012



You’ll have lots of contact with folks you wanted to hear from this week. Your telephone is your best tool, and you’ll enjoy talking and listening to many supportive and loving friends. A letter may arrive with an invitation.  Soul Affirmation: I smile and trust in the powers beyond myself.



You are too kind this week and it’s a wonderful thing.  By doing things for others without thought of a reward, you’re racking up beneficial vibrations for your future! Take personal pleasure in what you do for others this week.  Soul Affirmation: Moving slowly is often the fastest way to get there.



Change your routine this week. Even a minor change in the way you approach your week will enable you to feel happier and more adventurous. Try something new, and you’ll be happy with the outcome.  Soul Affirmation: I know that my life is full of good things. I enjoy!



Create a map in your mind to chart a course through unfamiliar waters. You’ll be as happy as you make up your mind to be. Because you are so wise, you’ll be at peace with all outcomes.  Soul Affirmation: I give thanks for who I am this week.



It’s a good week to reflect on your personal network of friends and co-workers. You are surrounded by supportive vibrations, and you’ll be counting your blessings by the end of this busy week!  Soul Affirmation: It’s bad only if I see it that way.



Find a way to love the work you do this week.  Use your creativity and wonderful sense of humor and you’ll be finished with chores early enough to relax.  Use your energy wisely.  Soul Affirmation: I let worry fly away.



A romantic partner returns and wants to pick up the past and start over. Friends are good to have, but this particular friend will be best kept as just that . . . a friend! Enjoy your ability to choose what’s best for you. Soul Affirmation: My spirit gives me limitless possibilities.



This week is a week to let your diplomatic side work for you. Forcing will get you nowhere. No man or woman is an island. Focus on togetherness even if you are annoyed with people.  Soul Affirmation: Charm is my middle name this week.



You have wonderful ideas about interior decorating. Be ready to accept a great opportunity at work. Money doesn’t matter this week. Don’t make finances more important than they need to be.  Soul Affirmation: I appear to others what I know myself to be.



Keep all your ducks in a row this week. No mixing work with fun or business with pleasure. Save your affection for the home front and stay focused on the work in front of you on the job. Things are working out perfectly.  Soul Affirmation: This week I find joy in the gifts that life has already given me.



Why not take each perfect moment as it comes? You are struggling to find a solution that time can and will provide. Perform your tasks cheerfully this week and let the future take care of itself. Give yourself the opportunity to enjoy each now moment. Soul Affirmation: Worry will only create more worry. I stop all worry.



Your anxiety about an important issue can now be seen as needless. You don’t have to worry! Have faith that things are working out perfectly and they will! This week especially consider all options before you make decisions.  Soul Affirmation: I am uplifted by the presence of friends.

Category: Arts & Culture