April 01, 2021
LAWT Staff Report
Heather Hutt has worked tirelessly within the Black community for years. She was born and raised in this community, where as a single mother, she raised her three sons; she empathizes with the challenges that single mothers (and fathers) deal with on a daily basis. She is the candidate with the best grasp of the vital issues that need to be addressed within the 54th Assembly District and throughout the state.
Hutt has the experience required to step into the 54th Assembly Seat and go to work on day one. The issues facing District 54 are serious; homelessness and a need for affordable housing needs an experienced voice to address these issues. Environmental justice issues, as well as the need to create good paying jobs and wages within this community must be addressed, and is critical to public help and a better quality of life.
Hutt is also dedicated to creating real justice reform. As a mother of three Black men, she has first-hand experience in dealing with the fears and concerns of gang violence, police brutality and systemic discrimination. All of these factors will play a critical role in bringing this much-needed voice to the halls of Sacramento.
As the first Black women to serve as the State Director for former California U.S. Senator Kamala Harris, and as District Director for State Senator and Assemblymember Isadore Hall, Hutt understands the job. She has the experience to fulfill and the quality of character to represent every person of every background throughout the district.
With the devastation that COVID-19 has had on the 54th Assembly District, the issues that Heather Hutt has focused on her entire life are more critical than ever. Universal healthcare for everyone, the need for support and funding to help support our local and small businesses cannot be ignored. Improving the support systems that are provided to our teachers and students in our schools and a need to ensure that our community has the access to vaccines is desperately needed.
One only had to visit the Urban League, and Mothers In Action’s vaccination site last weekend and you would have found Heather there volunteering to help seniors and others getting vaccinated. This commitment was not a part of her campaign for the 54th but a demonstration of her lifelong commitment to serving the people of her community.
This commitment that has been a part of her life’s work and a dedication we desperately need in the leaders we elect to represent us in Sacramento.
It is for these reasons and so many more that the Los Angeles Sentinel proudly endorses Heather Hutt for the 54th Assembly District.