October 14, 2021



At the beginning of the week, a focus on your third house of communication will likely fill your agenda up with social plans and commitments galore. You may also want to set intentions around how you relate to others and express yourself. Envision your goal, map out your game plan, then, in your own time, make a move. Later on, the focus shifts to your home life, and you’ll be craving more downtime close to home and solid bonding time with loved ones. Having heart-to-hearts with your nearest and dearest will feel especially restorative for your soul and your bonds.




During the week ahead, your mind could be focused on your income. You’ll want to do intense research on a game plan for saving and investing your money. Whatever you learn could go far to informing a winning financial plan, ultimately boosting your portfolio. Later on, the energy shifts to your third house of communication, spurring your curiosity and creativity. You’ll do well to parlay this energy toward animated conversations with friends, colleagues, and loved ones. The way you express yourself and the ideas you share now could bolster your bonds and lead to powerful collaborations.




During the week ahead, you’ll be feeling especially reflective about big picture personal and professional goals. You’ll do well to spend time meditating on the direction you want to go and the game plan that will get you there. Set your intention, then share it with someone near and dear. It’ll soon be within reach. Later this week, the focus shifts towards your income, making it even easier to express your thoughts and desires related to money. Pitch that passion project, or get after that side hustle you’ve been musing about. Communication fuels action.




During the week ahead, the cosmic energy amplifies your creativity. You’ll be flooded with imaginative ideas that you’ll do well to share with both colleagues and higher-ups. Embracing your unique take is what will ultimately lead to success. Later on, you will be asked to focus on your spirituality and shore up commitment to your mind and body wellness. In turn, your need for solo time and self-care could be heightened. Spending time meditating, going to yoga, and/or doing talk therapy has you feeling more emotionally centered and vital overall.




During the week ahead, you may be drawn to practices like meditation classes or journaling. Spending time processing your emotions through self-expression can feel especially therapeutic and restorative now. Later on, a focus on friendship could have you juggling a variety of events and get-togethers—from happy hours with coworkers to dinners with BFFs and everything in-between. You could feel energized by the nonstop pace, but if you feel the need to RSVP “no” to one of the many invites in the name of self-care, don’t hesitate to set that boundary.




This week, the astrological focus is on friendships, encouraging you to nourish and deepen platonic connections. This could look like planning group dates, attending group fitness classes, and prioritizing FaceTime sessions with your BFFs who aren’t local. These activities are not only stimulating, but they’ll go far to strengthen your bonds. Then, you’ll be inspired to work with others on a professional project. Allowing room for plenty of creative brainstorming and a wide variety of ideas can set everyone up for a collective win. Don’t be surprised if you’re recognized by higher-ups!




This week, the astrological focus on your ninth house of adventure fuels a craving for unusual and eye-opening experiences. You might do well to plan a trip—even a quickie weekend excursion—or take a class that could bolster your skillset. As long as you’re investing your time or energy into broadening your horizons, you’ll feel like you’re on track now and moving forward. Later on, the focus moves to your career sector so you can expect a flurry of meetings and presentations. In fact, you’ll do well to take advantage of this phase by sitting down with higher-ups and sharing your visions and long-term goals. These kinds of dialogues can lead to professional growth.




This week, the focus is on your eighth house of sexual intimacy, fueling your desire to set a different tone with your partner or a potential lover. Communication is the key. Discuss deep-rooted desires or how you might make a long-held fantasy a reality, and you’ll enjoy steamy results. Later in the week, you may be inspired to attend an online conference or a seminar to hone your skillset. This current thirst for learning paired with an open mind about stepping up your professional game could lead to advancement in your career in the near future.




During the week ahead, the current focus is on your partnership zone. You could get a burst of energy to take on a bold, ambitious project with your mate, a close friend, or colleague. Discussions around the particulars ensure you’re on the same page. The next step: Mapping out your strategy and diving in. Teamwork can lead to a rewarding end result. Since there will also be energy around your eighth house of sexual intimacy, you’ll be more apt than usual to talk about your desires and fantasies. In fact, conversations around these topics can fuel your excitement. Simply by getting that heated text conversation going, you’ll set up major fireworks.




This week, the focus on your sixth house of wellness and routine could inspire you to switch up your current approach to healthy eating and fitness. The hitch: No need to take immediate action. You can start slowly by doing research and gathering information from trusted sources, and then meditate on what will serve you best. Trust your intuition, and you’ll know how to proceed. Later in the week, you could be inspired to express romantic feelings more than usual. Writing your lover or a potential S.O. a heartfelt email or even quick flirtatious texts strengthens your connection.




During the week ahead, you’ll be inspired to dive into researching and investigating ways you can take your healthy lifestyle plan to the next level. Finding new ways to squeeze in that extra yoga workout or downloading a meditation app could make a world of difference in how you’re feeling physically, as well as mentally and emotionally. Later in the week, the focus shifts to your house of romance to infuse your desire to connect with the object of your affection in a playful, spontaneous way. That said, when it comes to date nights or more casual meet-ups, do your best to go with the flow. Seeing how your time together plays out organically can be positively magical.




The current planetary influence is focused on creativity and you’ll be feeling even more imaginative than usual. You’ll also want to share your daydreams with someone special. Embracing a bit of escapism and spontaneity could make for an especially memorable time. Later on, the alignments move towards a more private area of your chart, when you could desire even more time with loved ones and spent on projects around your home. Doing whatever you need to do to amplify your sense of security and comfort is especially worthwhile and rejuvenating now.

Category: Arts & Culture