March 03, 2022



Early in the week, you might be compelled to consider diving into an exciting investment plan or moneymaking opportunity on a whim. You’re craving change in a major way, so make sure you’re not moving forward for that reason alone. Instead, you’ll do well to ensure that this step is right rationally as well as intuitively. Later, aspects could create friction and possibly even simmering anger with your significant other or another loved one. Do your best to handle it in a measured, immediate way to preempt a conflict and land on a healing solution.




As the week begins, you’ll enjoy spending time with your lover and friends. The vibe isn’t exclusively social, though. It’s also prime for getting caught up in an escapist pastime like working on a whimsical, creative project. Later, there could be tension in conversations with family members or colleagues. You might very well be at the end of your rope and inclined to repress these heated feelings, but expressing them now and letting out the steam will serve you best.




At the week's start, you’ll get a burst of self-assuredness and vitality that can absolutely light up your love life. You’ll be feeling like asserting yourself and sharing what you want in a bold way, which is sure to be magnified now. Own this moment, and think about how you can make this playful, loving energy last. Later, you’ll want to bring your whole heart to the conversation with a higher-up or colleague. Infusing your work with passion and emotional depth is the key to bumping up your financial gain.




Your creativity, imagination, and sensitivity are sure to be heightened when the week begins. You’ll want to break free of your usual routine and have an impromptu date or other whimsical experience with your lover or closest friends. The more you can go with the flow, the more the sparks will fly. Later, the stage is set for potentially butting head with family members. Although your initial instinct might be to try to keep the peace, contending with your emotions and expressing them as best you can in the moment can promote understanding and healing.




You’ll be driven to create exciting, important change on the job early in the week. Your main focus is getting out of the rut you’ve been in for a while now and enjoying more freedom. Make sure to check in with your gut and follow your heart as you navigate this eye-opening, pivotal moment. Later, you're inspired to get together with your social circle and bat around your most heartfelt ideas. Vibrant conversation and intellectual stimulation make you feel even more alive and connected to your friends and your goals. 




Heartfelt conversations with your significant other or a dear friend might be even easier to initiate at the beginning of the week. The key is leading with your emotions as opposed to logic now, as rational thoughts could be hazy. But it’s an ideal time to open up about your fantasies and daydreams, which can set you up for romantic magic. Later, the cosmos boosts your confidence to pitch a major passion project. If it feels like the right thing to you intuitively and emotionally, you’re sure to be right on track and setting the stage for concrete rewards.




You’ll feel like you have the green light to act on your deepest emotions when the week starts. This can be not only incredibly empowering but also fertile ground for making horizon-broadening moves that will have a resounding effect, such as taking a class that could lead to an exciting job opportunity or signing up for training related to a bold new wellness plan. You’ve got this! Later, the stage is set for conflict with a higher-up. It’s possible that you simply aren’t seeing eye to eye on your visions, and clashing is an inevitable step along the way to figuring out the best way to proceed.




Look forward to getting caught up in daydreams that will be more vivid than usual when the week begins. You’ll want to open up to loved ones about these exciting visions and potentially draw inspiration from them as you lean into an activity that allows you to express yourself in a creative way, such as poetry or another form of art. It’s also an ideal time to connect with a lover or your dearest friends. Later, the cosmos stirs you to research new ways to hone your skill set and acquire knowledge that truly speaks to your big-picture goals. You won’t want to invest in anything you feel even remotely lukewarm about! 




At the start of the week, you might find yourself itching to shake up your everyday fitness and eating routine. Whether you consult with a trusted expert to find an updated approach to ongoing health concerns or you commit to boosting the intensity of your existing strategy, enacting a shift of some kind now can ultimately improve both your morale and your results. Later, the cosmos intensifies your creativity and imagination, especially when working on your self-care and connecting with loved ones. For this reason, you’ll want to explore whimsical new ways to meditate or journal, as well as spend time close to home with children, partner, or a friend who drops by. This moment can be restorative for your heart.




You might feel stirred to shift your approach to dating or connecting with your current partner early in the week. Adopting a laid-back, go-with-the-flow attitude or feeling more open in how you flirt with that special someone can have you feeling even more empowered and fulfilled in your love life. Later, you have the green light to be extra assertive with higher-ups about your short- and long-term goals. This is a fruitful time to discuss a different way to tackle your day-to-day workload in order to turn your big-picture dreams into reality. 




Don’t hesitate to bring your wildest ideas to the table at the start of the week. You’ll be on a roll dreaming up quirky, out-there proposals, and there’s no reason to hold back from sharing them with higher-ups and colleagues. While some might suggest you need to find facts and figures to back up your proposals, your enthusiasm and ingenuity make a wonderful starting point! Later, the cosmos shores up your confidence and most heartfelt desires. You’ll want to take bold, concrete action, such as booking the vacation of your dreams.




If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by nonstop e-mails, texts, and the sheer frenzied pace of life, you might be compelled to switch things up in a significant way as the week begins. You might even surprise people around you when you decide to make a bold move, such as setting boundaries around the times you’re answering messages. As long as the approach feels right in your gut, you’ll do well to go for it. Later, you're encouraged to research that educational opportunity that could ultimately advance your career. The endgame might be a little blurry at the moment, but your instincts are on point. 

Category: Arts & Culture