April 14, 2022



Getting on the same page as colleagues—and being able to sell whatever result you’re pulling for—comes more naturally early in the week. Take advantage of opportunities to network and your professional star will rise! Later, you’ll be focused on innovative ways you can broaden your horizons and enjoy eye-opening activities outside your usual routine. Now’s the time to gather information about that long-distance trip you’ve been daydreaming about or talk to colleagues and friends about a major project that feels like it could be equal parts exciting risk and learning experience.




You’ll feel empowered to get in touch with your most sensual needs and open up about them to trusted companions at the start of the week. You might notice that your intuition is especially sharp and your emotions are extra intense. Being able to use both as fuel for your love life can make for a steamy, spiritually game-changing time with someone special. Later, you’ll be itching to shake things up in some way. If you’re proposing a tweak that loved ones are unsure about, consider spinning it as the beginning of a cool new tradition!




Redefining a significant relationship, perhaps with a dear friend or lover, might be on your agenda. If you feel like reciprocity has been lacking, or you need to have a crucial heart-to-heart to better understand one another’s needs, now is a fruitful time to set the tone you’ve been hoping for. Later, you’ll do well to reflect on any reality checks you’ve had related to your professional aspirations over the past few months. Identifying thought patterns that may have had you fooling yourself or approaches that might not have been the most productive or pragmatic can help you stay on track in the months ahead. 




You’ll feel like shrugging off relationships that don’t feel intimate or stimulating in an emotionally and intellectually way at the start of the week. Instead, one-on-one connections that make you feel alive and comfortable in your own skin are your focus, and they can only grow stronger under this influence. Later, you’ll have a special opportunity to get clear on health aspirations and make them a reality. Whether you’ve wanted to get back into a regular workout routine, start meditating, or work on stress management, zeroing in on your specific, realistic aim comes more easily, as does mapping out a step-by-step action plan. The more it fits into your daily routine, the better the results will be.




At the week's start, you’ll be drawn to routines that allow you to both spend time with friends and put in the work to take your health practices to the next level. Hitting up a cardio class with new and old friends, or joining an online fitness community where you can talk about your wins and challenges could feel empowering and motivating. Later, you’ll have a unique opportunity to express yourself creatively with a lover or dear friend. Your usual charisma and playfulness are elevated, and you’ll feel joyful and vivacious. Set intentions that are rooted in your heart of hearts now and you can’t go wrong. 




When the week begins, meditate on what you need to feel more secure and centered. Whether you’re considering redecorating a room with more plants, prioritizing online chats with loved ones, or sharing deep-rooted emotions with your nearest and dearest, now’s the time to be true to yourself and devote your time to whichever activities feel truly grounding. Later, you might be caught off-guard by your sudden urge to do something completely out of the ordinary with your loved ones. That’s because the cosmos is stirring up your appetite to break free of routine and have an exciting, unique experience. Embrace the energy of the moment to boost your happiness and love. 




You’ll do well to look back on any eye-opening lessons you’ve had over the past few months related to your health routine at the week's start. These lessons were the result of illusions being stripped away, and they’ll offer you valuable insight into how you might want to tweak ongoing fitness and mind-body habits in the months ahead. Later, you may feel rising anger and frustration related to a creative disagreement on the job. Your vision might simply be at odds with a colleague’s, or you might feel like you’re not being valued as you should. Instead of repressing heated feelings, do your best to deal with them head-on now. 




You could be engrossed in witty text repartee, intellectually stimulating debates, and sharing your sexiest daydreams face-to-face early in the week. Expressing yourself in a bevy of ways and exchanging ideas with your significant other or a potential partner makes for steamy foreplay. Later, if you’ve felt fired up to apply for a new position or take on more responsibility on the job, consider taking action now. Combining your passion and optimism can make you an attractive candidate to higher-ups. Don’t shy away from pitching a bold, potentially eyebrow-raising vision. It could be what propels you toward lucrative results. 




When the week begins, you’ll find that creative brainstorming with colleagues or friends could be your best bet for bolstering your cash flow. The energy also lends itself to group activities, animated exchanges of ideas, and artistic approaches, so combining those forces could set you up for financial gain. Later, it’s your annual opportunity to take a magnifying glass to your big-picture personal goals and think about how you might want to tweak your approach. The aspirations that you feel truly reflect who you are might be at the top of your list. Design a step-by-step plan that really speaks to your heart and soul, then make your first move to lay the groundwork for even brighter days ahead.




You’ll want to put self-care activities and pleasurable, romantic pursuits at the top of your agenda early in the week. Though your instincts are always to get work done first, allowing yourself a time-out to recharge and reconnect with loved ones and your own emotional core is crucial for your spirit now. You deserve all the heartfelt fun you’re craving! Later, a date or other occasion might be even more memorable if you give into the urge to be spontaneous with your significant other or family members. Going with the flow in some way could make for a magical, memorable time. 




Early in the week, give in to any urges to introduce yourself in a social setting or reconnect with colleagues from the past. Conversations and collaborations you initiate now can have a positive effect on your personal and professional growth. Later, think back on any reality checks you might have had over the past few months related to your daily work and other moneymaking projects. If you’ve been refusing to look at the facts in some way or other, you’ll do well to acknowledge and make peace with that. Then, remembering what’s real and what’s not can keep you firing on all cylinders on the job in the months ahead.




Set aside time to brainstorm new ways to pitch your passion project when the week begins. In this significant moment, all eyes might be on you to step up to the plate in a public way. Knowing what you want to achieve and how exactly you’ll do it will give you an advantage when higher-ups offer you the chance to make your case. Later, if you’ve had a rude awakening about your main personal goals at some point over the past few months, make sure you bear that in mind. Taking off the rose-colored glasses and seeing things as they really are might be uncomfortable, but it can also be useful as you pursue your dreams. 

Category: Arts & Culture