May 19, 2022



When the week starts, you could be torn between what feels right intuitively and what makes sense on paper when it comes to a professional project. Confusion and technology glitches might also pop up everywhere you turn. Do your best to remember the moment will pass. And keep your cool. Later, you’ll be inspired to take concrete action to acquire new knowledge and hone your skill set. Whether you’re signing up for an online seminar or having deep, philosophical conversations with a mentor, opportunities to learn and grow can feel empowering and help you advance your career. 




At the start of the week, you’ll be prepared to kick things off on a bright, optimistic note. Plot out ways you can enjoy eye-opening experiences, and take advantage of opportunities to socialize with both old and new friends. Your positive, gung-ho approach is infectious. Later, you’ll get a burst of inspiration to connect with your partner or a special someone on a deeper, transformative level. If you’re feeling like you’re nearing the close of a chapter with a love interest, this transit could expedite that ending. Ultimately, it can help you feel more centered and on track emotionally.   




Though you’re usually quite vocal about your desires, at the week's start you’ll get a burst of confidence and lightheartedness that can amplify your voice while sharing fantasies with a partner. Whether you’ve been wanting to fulfill a long-held desire between the sheets or take your relationship to the next level in another way, this is a powerful time to get the wheels in motion. Later, the cosmos is fueling your efforts to tackle a joint project or relationship challenge with your significant other or a dear friend. Although you’ll enjoy a burst of cooperative energy, you could also encounter some conflict. But a take-charge attitude can put that to rest quickly.  




You’ll kick off the week by enjoying a blast of confident energy that can easily be applied to making your dreamiest fantasies a reality. Assert your desires and they’ll be even easier to fulfill. Later, working alongside your significant other, a dear friend, or a close colleague on a project comes even more naturally. You’ll feel more in sync than usual and have a positive outlook on your game plan. It’s also a wonderful time to gather more information or even book travel that could bring you closer to achieving your goals. 




When the week starts, if you’ve been putting your nose to the grindstone with your self-care and fitness efforts, you’re sure to see a happy payoff now. Later, expressing what’s in your heart is even more effortless than usual. You’ll feel creative and driven to prioritize playful, pleasurable moments like magical date nights or chill time with your nearest and dearest friends, ideally anything that feels like it came right out of the script for a romantic comedy. The only risk here is that you might be tempted to overbook your schedule and end up getting burned out, so make sure to schedule in some downtime too.   




You’ll be more inclined than usual to speak up, expressing what’s in your heart in a creative way at the start of the week. There’s a happy-go-lucky, playful vibe that can infuse your closest relationships with a magical, fortunate feeling. Planning a special date with your significant other or writing a heartfelt letter to a dear friend might be particularly fulfilling. Later, you’ll be fired up to take on what might have formerly seemed like daunting projects around the house. Enlisting friends and family to pitch in feels like a natural move. Just make sure to keep an eye out for any conflict that might arise from power struggles.  




You’ll have even more bandwidth and enthusiasm around connecting with loved ones on key, emotional conversations early in the week. Whether you’ve been meaning to take a walk down memory lane with your partner or have a crucial conversation about domestic matters (like moving, renovating, or tackling an ongoing family issue), now is a fortunate time to dive right in. Later, your calendar is bound to be packed with commitments to friends, colleagues, and neighbors. You’ll have extra energy to tackle all of these must-dos on your list, but you’ll still do well to use discretion when saying yes lest you risk burnout and resentment. 




You can look forward to kicking off the week with heartfelt, sexy, fun-loving moments. Prioritizing your fantasies and believing you deserve to turn them into reality can feel like a total game changer. Later, you’ll be extra driven to pitch bold proposals to higher-ups or brainstorm alongside colleagues to come up with imaginative new game plans for earning. Your confidence and energy to pursue and lock down new streams of cash are at a high! Just make sure you’re strategic about the projects you truly want to tackle.  




You might have a little bit of space and time to think about an unusual direction you’d like to take in your career at the start of the week. Work alongside your significant other or a dear friend to craft your action plan. Later, while you're inspired to set powerful intentions and start making moves to bring them to fruition, you’ll get extra support from the cosmos. You’ll be inspired to be even more direct than usual and have the green light to beautifully articulate exactly what you want and make an impression on others along the way!   




The start of the week could be filled with exciting, stimulating moments. You could be running into old connections, meeting new ones, and coming up with spontaneous, playful, creative plans for the coming months. Later, the stage is set for some big-time personal or professional growth of your choosing. If you’ve been mulling over a business proposal you’d like to bring to the attention of higher-ups or considering a major move in a relationship, this is a beautiful opportunity to go for it. The cosmos is on your side!  




You’ll do well to kick off the week with a brainstorm or meditation session around your main professional aspirations. You’ll be able to identify your top objectives and then envision a plan for hitting them. Later, if you’ve been wanting to get ahead on fitness or other personal growth-related goals, you’d do well to join forces with friends and colleagues. Although you’re a natural team player, you might be drawn to running the show more than usual. That said, doing your best to put that energy toward collaborative efforts is your best bet for scoring the results you desire.    




As the week gets underway, you could find yourself dreaming about ways to hone your skill set or plan world view-shifting experiences like long-distance travel. Let your mind wander and fully embrace your most imaginative instincts! What you land on could inspire a successful new path. Later, it's an ideal time to brainstorm or share existing ideas with colleagues. You’ll feed off of one another’s creativity and motivation to create something together that’s larger than life. In turn, you can fuel one another’s success! 

Category: Arts & Culture